3 research outputs found

    Issues of shaping the students’ professional and terminological competence in science area of expertise in the sustainable development era

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    The paper deals with the problem of future biology teachers’ vocational preparation process and shaping in them of those capacities that contribute to the conservation and enhancement of our planet’s biodiversity as a reflection of the leading sustainable development goals of society. Such personality traits are viewed through the prism of forming the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence. The main aspects and categories that characterize the professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers, including terminology, nomenclature, term, nomen and term element, have been explained. The criteria and stages of shaping the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence during the vocational training process have been fixed. Methods, techniques, technologies, guiding principles and forms of staged work on the forming of an active terminological dictionary of students have been described and specified. The content of the distant special course “Latin. Botanical Terminology”, which provides training for future teachers to study the professional subjects and to understand of international scientific terminology, has been presented. It is concluded that the proper level of formation of the future biology teachers’ professional and terminological competence will eventually ensure the qualitative preparation of pupils for life in a sustainable development era

    The State of Dissemination of Open Research Data in Ukraine and the World: Bibliometric Analysis

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    Purpose: To determine the current state of development of open science in the paradigm of open research data in Ukraine and the world, as well as to analyze the representation of Ukraine in the world research space, in terms of research data exchange. Design / Method / Research Approach: Methods of synthesis, logical and comparative analysis used to determine the dynamics of the number of research data journals and data files in the world, as well as to quantify the share of research data repositories in Ukraine and the world. Trend and bibliometric analysis were used to determine the share of publications with their open primary data; analysis of their thematic structures; identification of the main scientific clusters of such publications; research of geographic indicators and share of publications by research institutions. Findings: The study found a tendency to increase both the number of data logs and data files in Dryad (open data repository). The results of the analysis of the share of data repositories indexed in re3data (register of research data repositories) show that 51% of the total number are repositories of data from European countries, with Germany leading with 460 repositories, followed by the United Kingdom (302 repositories) and France (116 repositories). Ukraine has only 2 data repositories indexed in re3data. The trend of relevance of data exchange is confirmed by the increase of publications with datasets for the last 10 years (2011-2020) in 5 times. Research institutions and universities are the main sources of research data, which are mainly focused on the fields of knowledge in chemistry (23.3%); biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (13.8%); medicine (12.9%). An analysis of the latest thematic groups formed on the basis of publications with datasets shows that there is a significant correlation between publications with open source data and COVID-19 studies. More than 50% of publications with datasets both in Ukraine and around the world are aimed at achieving the goal of SDG 3 Good Health. Theoretical Implications: It is substantiated that in Ukraine there is a need to implement specific tactical and strategic plans for open science and open access to research data. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be used to support decision-making in the management of research data at the macro and micro levels. Future Research: It should be noted that the righteous bibliometric analysis of the state of the dissemination of data underlying the research results did not include the assessment of quality indicators and compliance with the FAIR principles, because accessibility and reusability are fundamental components of open science, which may be an area for further research. Moreover, it is advisable to investigate the degree of influence of the disclosure of the data underlying the research result on economic indicators, as well as indicators of ratings of higher education, etc. Research Limitations: Since publications with datasets in Scopus-indexed journals became the information base of the analysis for our study, it can be assumed that the dataset did not include publications with datasets published in editions that the Scopus bibliographic database does not cover. Paper type: Theoretica

    Стан поширення відкритих даних наукових досліджень в Україні та світі: бібліометричний аналіз

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    Результати дослідження: Дослідження виявило тенденцію до зростання як кількості журналів даних, так і файлів даних в Dryad (репозитарій відкритих даних досліджень). Результати аналізу частки репозитаріїв даних індексованих в re3data (реєстр сховищ даних досліджень) показують, що 51% від загальної кількості складають репозитарії даних країн Європи, причому Німеччина лідирує з 460 репозитаріями, за якою йдуть Великобританія (302 репозитарії) та Франція (116 репозитаріїв). Україна має лише 2 репозитарії даних, індексованих в re3data. Тенденція актуальності обміну даними підтверджується збільшенням публікацій з наборами даних за останні 10 років (2011-2020) у 5 разів. Науково-дослідні установи та університети є основними джерелами даних досліджень, які переважно зосереджені на галузях знань з хімії (23.3%); біохімії, генетики та молекулярної біології (13.8%); медицини (12.9%). Аналіз найновіших тематичних груп, що були сформовані на основі публікацій з наборами даних показує, що існує значна кореляція між публікаціями з відкритими первинними даними та дослідженнями COVID-19. Більше 50% публікацій з наборами даних як в Україні, так і світі спрямовано на забезпечення цілі SDG 3 «Міцне здоров’я».Результаты исследования:Исследование выявило тенденцию роста как количества журналов данных, так и файлов данных в Dryad (репозитарий открытых данных исследований). Результаты анализа доли репозитариев данных индексированных в re3data (реестр хранилищ данных исследований) показывают, что 51% от общего количества составляют репозитарии данных стран Европы, причем Германия лидирует с 460 репозитариями, за которыми следуют Великобритания (302 репозитарии) и Франция (116 репозитариев). Украина имеет только 2 репозитария данных, индексированных в re3data. Тенденция актуальности обмена данными подтверждается увеличением публикаций с наборами данных за последние 10 лет (2011-2020) в 5 раз. Научно-исследовательские учреждения и университеты являются основными источниками данных исследований, которые в основном сосредоточены в областях знаний по химии (23.3%); биохимии, генетики и молекулярной биологии (13.8%); медицины (12.9%). Анализ новейших тематических групп, сформированных на основе публикаций с наборами данных, показывает, что существует значительная корреляция между публикациями с открытыми первичными данными и исследованиями COVID-19. Более 50% публикаций с наборами данных как в Украине, так и в мире направлено на обеспечение цели SDG 3 «Крепкое здоровье»Findings:The study found a tendency to increase both the number of data logs and data files in Dryad (open data repository). The results of the analysis of the share of data repositories indexed in re3data (register of research data repositories) show that 51% of the total number are repositories of data from European countries, with Germany leading with 460 repositories, followed by the United Kingdom (302 repositories) and France (116 repositories). Ukraine hasonly 2 data repositories indexed in re3data. The trend of relevance of data exchange is confirmed by the increase of publications with datasets for the last 10 years (2011-2020) in 5 times. Research institutions and universities are the main sources of research data, which are mainly focused on the fields of knowledge in chemistry (23.3%); biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (13.8%); medicine (12.9%). An analysis of the latest thematic groups formed on the basis of publications with datasets shows that there is a significant correlation between publications with open source data and COVID-19 studies. More than 50% of publications with datasets both in Ukraine and around the world are aimed at achieving the goal of SDG 3 Good Health